Securing Amazon S3 Buckets

Securing Amazon S3 Buckets

If you receive an email from Amazon with the subject line Securing Amazon S3 Buckets, you need to follow the following steps in order to secure your buckets.

  1. Log in to the Amazon AWS Management Console

  2. Click on the Bucket named in the email to load the properties and options for that bucket

  3. Select the Permissions tab at the top of the screen, and click on the button for the Access Control List
    Securing Amazon S3 Buckets

  4. Click on the Everyone radio button under the Public Access section
    Securing Amazon S3 Buckets

  5. In the Everyone Access Policy popup which appears on the right hand side of the screen, Uncheck all of the Checkboxes, and click on Save to update the policy
    Securing Amazon S3 Buckets

  6. Repeat the process for any other buckets listed in the email