Make Your MemberGate Images Mobile Friendly, Responsive and Optimized for Faster Download Speeds on Smaller Devices

Make Your MemberGate Images Mobile Friendly, Responsive and Optimized for Faster Download Speeds on Smaller Devices

Make Your MemberGate Images Mobile Friendly, Responsive and Optimized for Faster Download Speeds on Smaller Devices
MemberGate Infinity is mobile responsive and so will re-size to fit the largest PC screen,  or lap-top, or tablet and smallest phone screen

However, on smaller devices, even though the images shrink to fit the screen, the file-size of the image should be optimized to download quickly and reduce the bandwidth.


Here are a couple of options for shrinking image file size and reducing bandwidth .


  1. Web Based image optimizers

This drag and drop option will probably be best for images already on your MemberGate pages

Drag them over, compress and save them to your computer and then simply re-upload to your Membergate page, replacing the original larger file

There are several free online image optimizers, here are a couple we use ourselves



2. Image Editing Software

There are many image editing suites and they will all have an 'optimize for web' feature

We use Snagit, Adobe Photoshop and Pixlr



3. Apps or Browser Based Extensions

There are also many iOS and Android Apps that also have functionality included to compress your image files.

Here are some examples:

iOS - PhotoShrinker, PhotoShop Express

Android - Photo & Picture Size Reducer, Photo Compress

Chrome Extension - Bulk Resize Photos

Windows App - PhotoShop Express found in the windows store

Make sure you optimize your images and speed up your web downloads for your mobile visitors, they will appreciate the faster response and Google will give you better SEO results!